SIC live with Butoh dance studio "Like a Butoh", Museum of Fine Arts, Kemerovo, February 29, 2012 / SIC совместно со студией танца "Как Буто", Музей ИЗО, Кемерово, 29 февраля, 2012.

February 29, 2012
Museum of Fine Arts, Kemerovo,
Siberian Improvisation Company live with Butoh dance studio "Like a Butoh", in the "Сultural Wednesday".

Alexandr Markvart - piano, guitar, loops, objects
Gleb Uspensky - saw, guitar
Stepan Kachalin - voice

Butoh dance studio "Like a Butoh"
director Larisa Lapina

Edited by Aksinya Naumova.

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